Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bon Odori 2012

More than a month late. OTL

Bon Odori 2012. My second time to visit Bon Odori. The first time was in 2011, following our school trip organised by our Japanese Club.

Bon Odori 2011

 This year, organised a trip again, but a private one since it was too late to make it our Japanese Club official trip. //shotsbadpengerusi #me :x

Anyway, at least I hired a bus. Which is fully booked, but then last minute alot of people didn't turn up. So sorry to those that wanted to go but can't go. OTL
Oh, and sorry about the rush. OTL

Me with Crystal in the bus. Lol shaky~

Anyway, we depart around 3.15pm I think?
So we reached early, with plenty of time to claim a nice place to put our mat :3
And...*thunder face*
So many strangers come and lepak with us wtf =A= People not from our school, I don't know who the hell they are. =__= I know la, got mutual friend, but after she left they should leave too, we don't even know each other =A=

Meh. Forget that. Let's move on to pictures!

At the entrance

Random people that asked for pictures

Before we settled down, we roam around the food stalls area :3 
Bought ice! www

After we settled down, met Bryan and weeee got my money xD
Then bought food, Teriyaki Don, but meh, it's awful in my opinion. :/
Too dry, tasteless -.-
Couldn't finish it so gave it to Hao Yong. How he managed to eat that after so many other food is beyond my expectation lol.

Then we saw people eating ice, so Aki and I went to get it too.

Squinting at the sunlight

My melon flavoured ice

Aki and her...Soda?

After that, just chill round, and met friends!

Kaichou and his watermelon yukata
With Nekochi!

Met some other but no pictures /.\
After that, we go for the first dance :D

Lol some random people that took pictures with us



Lol I look so noob Q.Q

Hmm...I forgot what I do after the first dance OTL

Meh anyway we moved on to the second dance, no pictures cause photographer was missing T_T
In the second dance, managed to drag those guys to dance too xD
Hahahha and now I'm laughing at the way Justin danced lololol. So funny xD

And....after the second dance
oh crap what the hell did I do -A-

Oh ya I met Jason! Haha dragged him to danced too eventhough he wanna eat first /shot.
Cause it's the last dance lol, not gonna let him miss that haha.

Lol closed eyes xD

Nah okay la another one, with opened eyes lol

Well after that Bon Odori's over /_\

Group photo.

=____= Some people don't belong, I don't even know who the hell he is =A=
And some people that belong is missing T___T

Anyway, alot of photos that I dunno where to fit, so I'll just upload.

Well. Not gonna let this end without:

Haha xD

