Sunday, October 17, 2010

I wouldn't change a thing about this, this is the best feeling.

This happened LONG ago. During the night after Mooncake Festival.

Well, it's around 8.30pm, and I though I would go for a swim, so down I went with my sister and cousin. Got down, there's a bunch of kids playing lantern and candles lol. I sure miss those times when I'm like them. Anyway, we swim and splash and play lol.

Suddenly, the lights all went out. We're still in the water, stunned. It's totally dark, except for the moonlight,candles and lantern and the very very dim emergency light in the building. It's really beautiful though. My sister began to cry and cling on to me -.- My cousin is cool though :D Anyway, I part swam and part walk with that scaredy cat sister of mine on my shoulder to the other end of the pool where we put our towels. After my cousin and sister got out, I float on the water, staring at the round moon. I wouldn't change a thing about this, this is the best feeling.

Unfortunately, I'm distracted. By people flashing torchlight around -.-...Some of them flash their light on me in the water, probably thinking I'm a ghost :D Haha, hope they got scared xD

Well, after a little while I got out of the water because I just realized, it's so dark I can't even see my own legs in the water and that's enough to scare me. Thoughts of hand pulling me down in the water conquer my mind lol.

After I got out, I went to a deck bench and lie down, facing the moon :D  I wouldn't change a thing about this, this is the best feeling. That time, all I could think about is peace and how great my life is :) Well, if you are wondering why I din't go back home, it's because:

1) I live on the 8th floor. No way I'm gonna climb all the way up in the dark with only very very dim     emergency  light every 2 floors.
2) I wouldn't change a thing about this, this is the best feeling.

Well, anyway, when I got up, (I still had to walk, there's no electricity yet after..20 minutes? -.- ) I lit 3 candles and put it into the bathroom and I bath :D I look out of the window and saw the dark world outside, showered with pale moonlight :) I wouldn't change a thing about this, this is the best feeling.

Well, all I can say is, it's really an amazing feeling.


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